Drupal 8 has changed its theme engine from phptemplate to twig which is part a of symphony2 framework.
Now twig templates that were defined as *.html.twig.

To debug a twig template and print variables you need to enable debug : true in twig.config:, which is present in the services.yml file in sites->default folder. Then we can use the devel module along with devel kint, after enabling this we only need to call kint(varibale_name) in the template.for example:

  {{ kint(fields) }} 

To print a varible in twig we use

 `{{  }}`

. The variable is to be placed inside these curly braces. like

`{{ fields.field_name.content }}`

To write a IF condition we use,

`{% if(fields.field_name.content) is not empty %}`

this is accompanied by

 `{% endif %}`

, similarly .

Naming views templates:
Surprisingly drupal 8 views has taken the option to add templates and see what templates are being applied on a view by clicking on information option in a view.
To override views templates we need to see what templates we need and where to find them. We can find these in our core->modules->views->templates.
Now copy the desired template and put it inside the templates folder in your custom theme or the theme you are using. Views use templates as:

  • views-view.html.twig:This template is used for all views and contains the layout for the view.
  • The second template is the style template. The default used template will vary based on the applied view style (grid, table, html list or unformatted). Grid: views-view-grid.html.twig Table: views-view-table.html.twig HTML List: views-view-list.html.twig Unformatted: views-view-unformatted.html.twig
  • The third template is "views-view-fields.html.twig". This template is used only if the view row style is set to "Fields". This template is responsible for looping through available fields and print fields wrappers, labels and markup.
  • The fourth template is "views-view-field.html.twig". This template is used only if the view row style is set to "Fields". This is the last template and is responsible for printing each field markup.

  • Naming Custom templates: A template can be named by using simple rules:

  • Use the basic template name `+` add view machine name `+` add block/page/display machine name `+` add field name

  • these can be changed upon requirement as, we might need to add field name is we are adding template of forth style views-view-field.html.twig.

    For example if we have a view name: benefit_detail and display is block_1 and we want add template of third type views-view-fields.html.twig for this specific view, we will add views-view-fields--benefit_detail--block_1.html.twig.