Hell Yeah, I have published my android application on google store. This is pretty basic app, that gives the webview of this blog on your mobile phone.
The link is Nitish me Do support this app.

Coming to code:

An Android app uses 3 basic files to render the output and basic functionality, the files can be increase on number of activities that are there in your app but basically there are 3 files named: AndroidManifest.xml,MainActivity.java and main_activity.xml.

The logic: The logic behind this app is to show the already made web apge or web application in andorid app, we do this by defining our page in webView.loadUrl and enabling setJavaScriptEnabled(true); We have defined our view to be webview in main_activity.xml.

Code: we define webview in our main_activity file


and in our MainActivity java file we define logic to find our view webview and open the web applicationin in it.

WebSettings webSettings = webView.getSettings();
        webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());
        webView.loadUrl("url to load");

We save this and run our application and VOILA, we see the result.

Next plans, to make RSS app to get content through RSS and show it in the application.