Hello there, Recently I came across a peculiar use case: I had to creat a logic where url aliasing would change on selection of a particular taxonomy term which is referenced in a particular content type. Let us say we have content type BOOKS, and we have vocabulary type, we reference this taxonomy in BOOKS content type and make a field there. This type vocabulary has 2 terms virtual and physical. On selection of virtual term while amking content the url would be as \virtual\node:id\node:title and selection of physical the url would become as \physical\node:title.

We had already made a pattern using pathauto in our drupal8 application, which needs to be disabled as we now would be putting in logic for url aliasing in our custom_module.module file. We are going to use a hook i.e hook_Entity_TYPE_create().

* Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_insert().
function my_custom_module_node_insert(NodeInterface $node){


In this custom hook we are using path.alias.storage service to declare the url path.

$path = \Drupal::service('path.alias_storage')->save("/node/" . $nid, "/virtual/" . $nid.'/'. $title, "en");

Hope this helps.